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"Rhianna came into my life when I needed her most.  I had been struggling to get pregnant and heard that acupuncture could help.  After just a few treatments with Rhianna my hormones began to balance, my monthly cycle became regular, and I felt a renewed sense of hope that I would be holding a beautiful baby in the near future.  I am currently the mother of a 4 month old.  I honestly believe I would not have this opportunity without the support of acupuncture through Rhianna's intuitive and healing practices.  I highly recommend her to everyone and I am soo grateful for her loving care."



"I met Rhianna after listening to a presentation on womens health. I can't tell you how blessed I feel that I was at a visitor the day. Rhianna talked about acupuncture and how she can help women with reproductive health issues. My daughter had been diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome more than a year ago. After multiple failed attempts by traditional medicine, my daughter and I decided to give Rhianna a try. My daughter saw Rhianna weekly for about 8 weeks and we have followed Rhianna's recommendations regarding diet, herbs, supplements and exercise. I am happy to report a follow up ultrasound today revealed perfectly healthy ovaries with not even a hint of a cyst. Thank you Rhianna for providing my daughter with hope, health and absolute joy!"




"Rhianna is such a joy to work with, after getting pregnant I had a really difficult first trimester. I was exhausted, had really bad morning sickness, and had a lot of anxiety. After seeing Rhianna for only a few short weeks, I was feeling much better, and was able to start enjoying my pregnancy. I actually ended up seeing Rhianna through my whole pregnancy and it was a wonderful experience. Thank you Rhianna!!




"I had been struggling with getting pregnant for almost a year before I decided to see Rhianna. She put me on the right path, and taught me a lot about my body and my cycle. It was so empowering, and after three months of acupuncture and herbs, I was pregnant! She helped me calm my mind, and relax. I also had my husband come in for treatments as well, and we both greatly appreciate everything she has done for us."





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